Friday, January 19, 2007

Successful Mind, Successful Self

“There were no more worlds to conquer”- wept Alexander the Great after his army conquered much of the earth. He had a successful mind and became a successful person. You can have similar success, but first you must want it inside before it can become a reality.

Are you unmotivated, exhausted, and too spent to achieve any more? This is a good problem. Why? Because at last you have distinguished yourself from the rest – you know your downfalls and that is the first step in order to be able to correct them. If you keep your mind free, it will make you to feel happiness and success will follow immediately.

Then you may ask how to make your mind free. It is universal truth that shadows will fall behind you once you keep your face to the sun. So if you face the problem with confidence, you may reap the benefits of success.

Just call your friend and ask him to look at a glass that is half filled with water. Ask him to critique it. A successful optimist may answer it is half-full or as a pessimist would probably answer that it is half empty. The sad part is that the pessimist does not have the right mind set to be a huge success. Despite the simple explanation of a pessimist and an optimist, we do have a lot of choices we can make. However, most of us choose to look at things from a negative light and always see the dark side of situations. If we choose to look at the positive side of things, like the water glass being half full, we are more likely to find the good in things and lead a happy, successful life with flying colors.

Try to follow this simple three step positive thinking formula to help you achieve success.

Regardless of the situation you must:
1. Analyze the situation coolly. Turn it outside in, downside up, and upside down.
2. Realize that it could always have been worse. Unearth why and how it could have been worse.
3. Find the good in it and grab it. The good side may appear to you in a flash or gradually. It all depends on the outcome of steps 1 and 2.

Try this three-step mental attitude fix to help turn your mind to that of a successful thinker. Very soon you’ll begin to look at people and things in a new light and see how you can make the most of any situation. The more success you emanate from yourself, the more successful you’ll become. Once you’ve developed a successful mind, you’ll definitely become a successful self.

Bette Carmer

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Technorati Profile

Hi Everyone,

My Christmas was wonderful and I hope yours was too.

Today I want to talk about sites that index and track BLOGS.
You have probably heard of sites like these and countless others:

They are now into Social Bookmarking which enables you to access the same bookmarks from any computer and add additional bookmarks. Use tags to organize and remember your bookmarks.

tags: social bookmarking, links, bookmark, organize, etc.

This idea First started out as a convenience to store FAVORITES online instead of on your desktop. One thing is for certain. Your traffic will increase.

Go to these (usually free) sites and register your blog or website and then enter your favorites.

My main interest as always deals with MLM's and MLM training. So, check out my sites if you have a minute.

Have a good one,


Thursday, November 30, 2006

Hi Everyone,

all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, I sure did. My biggest problem is I've still got to go Christmas shopping. It seems there's just too much to do. No complaint, just a fact.

How many of you are playing with (pay per )? Have you run into the situation where you've written an ad and received hundreds of clicks but hardly any s through? It happened to me just recently. I knew the ad would pull clicks well, but I failed to a daily limit which I usually do. That was . Learn from my mistake.

Anyway, the ad was run and there were 582 clicks the first (it only ran one day, whew) with only 3 who clicked through to my . What does all this tell you? It's important that you learn this and the sooner the better.

Here's the ad:

Need Cash Flow?
I'm looking for someone who's looking for "cash flow" from home.
Free ebook and MP3.

The answer is - relevancy, it's not relevant. It needs to be directed to specific people who want my product but not to everyone who wants cash flow. It's too generic.

It's interesting to discover how high tech writing an ad is.

Success to you and Happy Holidays,


Saturday, October 28, 2006

Hi Everyone,

Isn't this exciting. It is for me.

The one thing I don’t want is for my blog to be one big sales page.

But, I’m so excited about this program
that sometimes I get carried away.

Our system provides an affiliate/MLM recruiting/training program. It was developed by the famous Joe Schroeder and is the Most Sophisticated Marketing System in Our Industry. It is designed specifically to give you cash flow.

Here are some of the benefits:

1. You get a customized website that includes your picture and autobiography. It takes 4-5 business days to build it.
2 You are provided OFF line letters and ad slicks.
3. Your auto-responder is connected to the web infrastructure
4. There are free personalized ebooks to give away (they are branded with your links)
5. You have your own opt-in list. You control it, no-one else.
6. Thirteen weeks of support are emailed to each of your customers. Your links will be woven into the letters.
7. Your auto-responder is loaded with 23 weeks of pre-written letters.
8. Up to 5 websites will be hosted for you.
9. You are in charge of all of your own sales.

And, much more.

Check it out at

The Best to You,


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